Julien Van Aerschot

Footage Music Composer

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« Chambers »

Chambers music compositions for saxophone & piano and string quartet (neo-classical, jazz)

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Chambers is a collection of four instrumentals composed & arranged by Julien Van Aerschot from Brussels, Belgium.

« The three string quartet arrangements were composed on several occasions while on vacation.
Feeling too agitated to enjoy the silence, I needed to escape by writing scores for four voices. Hopefully they sound pure to your ears »

  • « Eskimo » was recorded as an improvisation about a nordic dream.
    Featuring Pierre Spataro (saxophone) & Julien Van Aerschot (piano) in Brussels.
  • String parts were played, recorded & mixed by Pablo Hopenhayn and his string quartet in Los Angeles, USA.
  • Mastering by Pieter De Wagter at EQuuS in Brussels, Belgium
  • Original painting cover : Ting Wai Pang



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