Julien Van Aerschot
Footage Music Composer
- One after One (Arpeggios #0 - Piano)
(home piano ambiant )
🖤 - Wind pianos
(home piano )
🖤 - “Le jour se lève“ (piano)
(home piano )
🖤 - “Solar“ (piano soundtrack for the movie directed by Gaspard Le Dourner)
(home piano )
🖤 - “Simple as a stormy night“ (crime/thriller theme for piano & strings)
(strings home piano cello thriller )
🖤 - Grace (Short Ambiant Piano)
(piano ambiant home )
🖤 - La vie est une comédie dramatique (piano theme for “Jeux d'hiver“ by Rémi Giordan)
(home soundtrack drama piano strings)
🖤 - The oldest never die (piano solo)
(home piano )
🖤 - piano “Solitude“ (Theme)
(home neo-classical piano )
🖤 - Love in A Min (piano solo)
(home piano )
🖤 - An s fall (piano)
(home piano )
🖤 - Chambers II (Una corda keys)
(piano )
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